ASA 45 | Radical Repurposing


In this episode, Alex Mandossian talks about radical repurposing. The mindset to have is to focus on distribution quantity versus content quality. He discusses why radical repurposing is the key to scaling your business, why every single business is an information marketing business, and lastly, how to repurpose marketing communications to get maximum exposure.

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Profiting Via Radical Repurposing

In this episode, you’ll discover Radical Repurposing. Why Radical Repurposing? Radical Repurposing is the key to scaling your business. Scaling was the topic of an earlier episode. When you define Radical Repurposing and you apply it to your business, scaling becomes a lot easier. Number two, you’ll learn why every single business is an information marketing business. If you have a website, you’re an information marketer. If you have a business card, you’re an information marketer.

If you send an email to get new prospects or new buyers, you are marketing information to grow your business. No matter if you have a service, a manufacturing company, a training business or if you’re an author, every business is an information marketing business. Number three, you will learn how to repurpose marketing communications to get maximum exposure. This could have a significant impact on how you can quickly and easily win the hearts of others.

Year 2012 And Videos

The year is 2012 and I am one of the Google Hangout beta testers. Google came out with this platform to get video out. They own YouTube. It was a great and easy way to interact with people and it was free, unlike a webinar or teleseminar. It was not only was free, but you could get as many people on a Google Hangout as possible because what’s bigger than Google? They have the servers to support you.

At the same time of every single week, I would deliver a topic that I thought would be worthy of the devotion of my students as a public service, free content. That way, it could hook their minds and hopefully their hearts so that the head will follow. They say, “Yes.” I did that week after week at 12:00 PM Pacific and 3:00 PM East Coast time in the United States. It would be 5:00 AM or 6:00 AM in Australia. It would be past midnight in India.

Hundreds of people would be watching, listening and engaging. Maybe because it was free or maybe because the content was worthy of their devotion, but we had a good run for a few years. I started to lack confidence in the Google Hangout technology because I didn’t see it going anywhere. I didn’t see the company scaling it to the level where Facebook is today with Facebook Live. I decided to go to webinars.

The webinar technology I use was developed by two friends of mine, Andy Jenkins and Mike Filsaime. It’s called WebinarJam. If you’d like to check out how it works go to You’ll see some special offers there if you want to utilize it. We used webinars for a while. I was noticing the sister of Mark Zuckerberg, Randi Zuckerberg, started to get behind these Facebook Lives. I didn’t have a lot of confidence in it.

It was a little sketchy at the beginning, but Facebook knows how to scale. Starting from 2015 to 2016, I started to do Facebook Live because Facebook had one thing that Google Hangouts didn’t have. Facebook had something that webinars, teleseminars, or any other technology didn’t have. Even YouTube Live didn’t have it. That was the magic Share button. Share is five letters. Imagine if you share and post and you put a little writing above the video.

[bctt tweet=”Every business is an information marketing business.” username=”AlexMandossian”]

If you’ve scheduled that video, you can take the replay and share it on your own Facebook Pages if you think your followers and fans would enjoy it. That’s the networking effect that Facebook has been so good at. Eventually, YouTube Live may change and morph into the technology I use in the future. Some people have already taken that route from Facebook Live. Facebook has had some challenges lately. Whether they recover or not, there’s always YouTube Live.

There’s always teleseminars webinars and other technologies such as Zoom. If you want to check out any of the replays of our Facebook Live, they’re all on my fan page, which is We have this thing called Facebook Fridays. You can simply go to What’s amazing with getting people live is important and it implies engagement.

Over 99% of the people who view your video, especially if you boost the advertising for Facebook, you’ll find that you’ll get thousands of viewers later on. Make sure your content is repurposable and is as scalable into other platforms and technology. I love video not because I enjoy doing it, but I’ve got to shave and have my hair in place. I can’t have a bad hair day because it’s embarrassing.

The reason I love video is because inside of a video is audio. I do a $17,000 training on how to do video so that the audio and the written word sound good. For example, you have to speak to the ears, not to the eyes. What does that mean? That means if you’re on a video you don’t say, “Take a look at this.” What this means if you’re reading it or you’re listening. If you say, “Take a look at this action card I have in front of you,” and you say what it says.

You can also say, “In my hands, I’m holding an action card that says scaling your business by repurposing your content.” What does that mean? Isn’t that the spoken word and also the written word? The visual word on video, you can do it once and then repurpose it again. If you’re going to repurpose content, which you’ll profit from, and cast this giant net out into the internet you’ll be catching fish many at a time versus having a fishing rod with a hook and baiting fish one by one.

Radical Repurposing

We came up with a strategy and for almost a decade we’ve been doing it like clockwork 12:00 noon Pacific, 3:00 PM East Coast time every Friday. It is It will redirect the page directly to the recording from the previous week. If you’re doing it midweek, it’ll go to the episode that is scheduled on Facebook. The mindset to have with radical repurposing. Radical, to me, means you do a lot of it not once.

The mindset is to focus on distribution quantity versus content quality. That’s how I would define radical repurposing and that’s why it makes scaling easier. You’re focusing on quantity not quality. You’re focusing on how to distribute the quantity of that content versus becoming a perfectionist and making sure that content is perfect. The idea here is this is non-gated content, meaning there’s no username or password.

ASA 45 | Radical Repurposing

Radical Repurposing: Make sure your content is repurposable and is scalable into other platforms and technology.


It’s a public service. It’s not a private service. You want to first attract people. Once they’re with you and engaging with you, then you can convert them and put them into a membership site, buy a course, or go to a workshop. Are you tracking with me? Does that make sense? I want to make sure you understand distribution quantity is a different mindset than content quality.

There are three repurposing formats. There’s number one, the visual word. Number two, the spoken word. My podcast is the spoken word, there is no video. I’m not taking videos. Some people do a video with their podcasts. I don’t. Number three, the written word. With the visual word, you have YouTube, Facebook, and Vimeo. Even LinkedIn and Instagram, you have video sales letters. Even Twitter allows you to put videos. The visual word is powerful.

You have different purposes for different things. Some are short, get right to the point and hook the mind. Others are long, even if it’s free content. If you have a following, they’ll watch it so that they can ultimately pay because they get to know, like and trust you. They understand and believe you and it’s the right time. For spoken word, you have a podcast such as iTunes. The All Selling Aside podcast is it’s spoken. You can listen to me in your car. You may be in your gym.

You may be walking your dog. You may be washing in the dishes or cleaning the house or vacuuming. You can do it in the background which you can’t do with the visual word and the written word. If you’re driving next to me and you’re watching a video, I hope I’m not driving next to you. An MP3 player that’s pre-loaded, I’m one of the innovators of that back in 2003. You pre-load content into an MP3 player. We called it an iPod back then.

There’s Audible. I love Audible because I listen to books on audio and I use Audible through Amazon. That’s spoken word. The written word you don’t have to guess. A blog is written word, and so is an article. LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter, those are also written words. You can have it separate or you can have it with the video and the audio. I have audio on Facebook.

This podcast I have on my Facebook fan page every single week. I have video on Facebook with Facebook Live and I also have the written word with Facebook posts. Are you getting this? So visual word, spoken word, and written word. The visual word is about the eyes and the ears. The written word is about the eyes. The spoken word is about the ears.

You can do visual first, followed by the spoken and the written. If you present properly, it will be pulled out through repurposing and a content management team that you can build. You can also have us do it on Marketing Online because we do it well. The integration of repurposing, you’re not creating new content here. You’re taking the existing content and changing the purpose of it, distributing it on different platforms and in different modalities.

[bctt tweet=”Why does radical repurposing make scaling easier? Because you do less and you get more exposure.” username=”AlexMandossian”]

A platform is Facebook, YouTube, and LinkedIn. A modality is a visual word, spoken word, and written word. The integration piece of how to integrate it to have meaning is, to do it radically and consistently for 52 weeks. Have a plan to scale your content through repurposing for 52 weeks. This is not scaling your company, which was the topic of another episode. This is scaling your content so that you get more devotion to more people.

You have more exposure as a result with less work. You have more visibility with less work. You have more marketing reach with less work and you are relevant weekly. You can change your call to action as I do with all of my episodes, but I will get traffic through content marketing. I do it by doing one thing and having my team do the rest. That’s one thing I’ve done well. The thing I haven’t done well, which I did mention as a confession from the previous episode is I haven’t scaled my company.

I’m good at scaling content through repurposing and I teach this on stage to people smarter, wealthier and more successful than I am and they look at it like it’s something new. I go, “You can scale a business and you don’t scale your content.” I feel like I have some meaning for them. Case studies of how companies have repurposed content. In McDonald’s, do you know how they give these little figurines every time there’s a movie?

That’s content. They’re getting the movie; it could be an adventure movie or children’s movie. They have these little figurines, Star Wars characters come to mind. They repurpose their content where they’re not repurposing hamburgers or French fries. They’re bringing people in through repurposing content for someone else through their store. Starbucks is in the real estate business.

They have CDs that you can listen to they have cups that have Starbucks on them the repurposing their brand. Subway, Business Network International, Got Junk. I’ve mentioned all of these in previous episodes. If you get a T-shirt and it says Nike on it that is repurposed content that’s casting a giant web or a net into the marketplace. That’s how you get more advertising for free.

Information Marketing Business

Genius versus the person who’s insane. What’s the difference? A genius in the business world and information marketing is you do one thing and you repurpose it radically over and over again. Insanity is doing the same thing again and again and expecting different results. That definition of insanity comes from none other than Albert Einstein. I believe you’re in the info-marketing business. You may not sell information like I do you may not have how to courses like I do.

You may not even speak on stage. But you’re an information marketer. I mean, every business is a marketing business. I don’t think you’d be paying attention if you didn’t realize that and marketing is scaling selling. What’s the mantra for this episode? Do you remember? It’s seeding through storytelling and that’s the new selling. Marketing scales sales, which is transactional.

ASA 45 | Radical Repurposing

Radical Repurposing: A genius in the business world and information marketing is you do one thing and you repurpose it radically over and over again.


Marketing is the relational part of that. It’s automated and you create this customer factory that my friend Ryan Deiss has talked about many times. It finally sunk into my heart and head, “I get it.” I do it through repurposing and it’s the easiest way to do it. You are in information marketing no matter what business you’re in. It doesn’t matter what you sell.

You are pre-selling it through information, whether it’s a discovery session, it’s a free consultation, it’s a postcard, it could be a brochure, a website, or your Facebook fan page that’s information. Every single business is an information marketing business. If you want to repurpose your marketing communications create an editorial calendar so you’re pre-planning like a magazine or cable network. They have a plan. It’s like a table of contents for the next three months.

I do it for six months at a time. I’m not thinking about what I’m going to say on my Friday live shows. I already know from the previous month because I’ve already set that calendar to two or three months ahead of time and every month has a theme. Every sub-theme is related to the theme such as repurposing which was a theme in a previous month for our Friday live show. That’s Public Service free content in order to engage in enroll people into a private service that is paid.

Quick Review Of The Episode

I’ve gotten $100,000 customers; I call them clients from this podcast. The way I’ve gotten them is through the free 4-part video e-training series called Let’s do a quick review. Radical Repurposing defined is doing one thing and repurposing it over and over again. Why does it make scaling easier? You do less and you get more exposure. Next, every single business is an information marketing business.

That’s true whether you want to believe it or not. Suspend disbelief get rid of your confirmation bias. Broaden your mind and think about it, Does your brand as your business, even if your startup. Does it involve information before you get the sale? Even if it’s spoken word, even if it’s a face-to-face interaction or networking event, the answer is yes. You are an information marketer whether you believe it or not.

Number three, how do you repurpose marketing communications from maximum exposure? Get a weekly show on audio like this podcast written through articles or through video like I do on Facebook Live every Friday. It’s will take you to the next event or to the previous event depending on what day of the week you go. Remember, these insights will only work for you if you work them.

Please make sure you execute which means you do these things that you’re learning. In the beginning, it’s difficult because it’s new. It’s like looking at a new instrument panel in your car. Over time, you get better and better you go from literacy to fluency, and ultimately mastery. That’s what All Selling Aside is and that’s what this episode is about.

If you do execute what you learn then the strategy the purpose and the intention behind this episode would have been successful, your future will be bigger. You’ll have more reach you’ll have more authority your future will be brighter. There’s hope. You could maybe transfer the business to your offspring or to family or to someone who you sell it to. It will be created on your own terms because you don’t have to record video audio and written you can do one and get all three.

[bctt tweet=”Insights will only work for you if you work them. Execute the things that you’re learning. ” username=”AlexMandossian”]

Speaking of reviews, if you haven’t done this, please do it now. Go to and type in your biggest takeaway or a-ha moment you experienced from this episode, not about the entire podcast but this one. If you’ve not done that when you go to reviews, I’m going to ask you for a takeaway or an a-ha, or as iTunes says it’s a review. Don’t review the podcast because that doesn’t have much meaning.

I want to know the specifics of what you got out of this. It’ll mean a lot to me. I think it could mean a lot to you. You can do this on iTunes in the review section and when you do it iTunes, we’ll ask you to rate the episode and I hope I’ve earned five stars from you. Will you do that for me? Selling can be fun if you know what to say when to say it and how to say it. Go ahead declare your one big takeaway if you’ve already done a review, thank you.

I want you to take out an index card and write your biggest takeaway on that cars so you have a stack of cards where you can go back and review. Without a review, go to Notice how I repeat? That’s repurposing because it’s going to take three minutes out of your day to do this. What you declare could provide a lifetime of learning because you’re declaring it not privately affirming it.

I have one final gift for you in honor of this 45th episode of All Selling Aside. This gift is my public service free content that you getting for free and not having to pay the $197 tuition that others pay. I’m giving you another way in and from here from free I have gotten $100,000 clients. Go check it out, not with the intention to hire me. Why not get something at no cost when others pay almost $200? It’s the video eCourse and it’s available at

I will teach you through those videos how to identify your target market how to create your message so it’s irresistible and how to capitalize on the most lucrative media channels available to you now. That does it for this episode. Please do whatever it takes to join me next time because our topic will be about Earl’s Billion Dollar Brand Idea.

Does that spark some curiosity about what it’s about? We’ll check it out and I encourage you to invite a friend or bring a study buddy. Please bring a friend or refer a study buddy so you can work with them. It’s no good to me if you don’t apply what you’re learning. I can’t wait to connect with you. It’s going to be super fun. I hope you bring a study buddy. I hope our paths cross then.

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